Sunday, January 20, 2008

A Smile and some warmth

Last Wednesday was a hard day for me, I was going through my mega bout of tests and I failed my son even though I tried. It was on Wednesday that I finally broke down and said, enough is enough I need help. It was also a very important day in my son's life, it was the day that my son crossed the line to adulthood. My son turned 18 years old. Turning 18 should be the time of your life, but it wasn't for him.

I reached out to a terrific friend to help deliver what I was pretty sure I couldn't, birthday smiles. We talked, I cried and she said what could she do. This wonderful woman went to work, picking up balloons, chocolate cake and milk.....what boy/man doesn't like milk and chocolate cake. She was fabulous and pulled everything together, even going to the extreme of wrapping his birthday gift. She was my Santa and delivered the goods, leaving them on the porch about a half hour just before he got home. However, when he got home it wasn't a nice surprise he got. Unfortunately, some things just don't turn out how you plan. Instead he came home to a cake box opened, a large footprint in the middle of the cake , a present ripped open and disguarded - no doubt because it was a SF Giants Sweatshirt opposed to Mariners. The only real good thing was the milk was still there. Thank god for small favors.

Are you horrified, I was. Here is this sweet young man trying to be brave in the face of his mom having breast cancer when someone just heaves a little bit more on him. The bottom fell out when I learned what had happened as my son related the story about what he came home to.

But events turn and on Thursday I ran into an angel on my way to yet another horrible doctor's appointment. Another friend listened to my fears, my failures, gave me a warm hug and immediately came to my rescue. She gave me some hope. My son and her daughter have been part of a youth group for nearly six years. It's a small group, but a tight, close group. She and her daughter - a beautiful, smart, funny, seriously intelligent young woman - mobilized. They got me to contact my church when I was to afraid to, arranged for a cake, contacted Dylan's friends and on Saturday blew my son away with a surprise birthday party.

I haven't seen my son smile in weeks and it felt good. He was full of happiness and sunshine. We talked afterwards, and the joy just radiated out of him. It felt good and for a moment I felt happiness. I asked for help and wonderful people were there. I just don't know how I ever can say thank you. It felt good when on Wednesday when I reached out to one friend who listened, who said it was okay to ask for help and just helped me when I needed it. It felt good to receive warm hug from another friend and know that people were there for my son. And for me.

Thank you.....


Anonymous said...

Hooray for Dylan!

The good guys always outnumber the bad. You're building a strong team - plenty of "type a's" in your circle to help.

Be strong!

Anonymous said...

Happy Birthday Dylan! It would be nice if the creep who stepped on your cake would get his due too. One can only hope, heh. You are a great kid, keep looking towards the future and don't ever let the 'small people' get you down.

Joan you are my prayers and thoughts. Keep yourself upbeat,it's hard, but it sure seems that you have some great people around you besides your family.
Lean on em, it is OK.


Scott{your hairdresser}