Friday, March 14, 2008

Guest Post: an Update on Joan

This post introduces guest updates to Just Joan. Joan hasn't been feeling well, and asked to have a friend update. Anne Decker shares this from her day doing the shuttle to Swedish this week. ~Behan

When I was at Swedish on Wednesday with Joan, I picked up a Patient Education Update flyer as we waited in the reception area. Did you know that Swedish now has a Cancer Podcast Program for patients and their families? Well at the time I was reading it, all I could think of was how unimportant this seemed at a moment when Joan was feeling so badly. All I could think of was, "what Joan really needs at this moment is someone or something to stop the excruciating pain and the unrelenting nausea, this instant - forget about the podcast! Please don't get me wrong - I am so thankful for the advances made through cancer research and the accessibility of cancer education. But all I wanted at the time was for Joan to find some relief - NOW.

Joan asked me to post a blog entry this week, as it has been awhile since she has felt up to it. On Wednesday, the nausea and pain were so bad that Joan was unable to keep anything down - not even the anti-nausea medication. We still ventured in to Seattle for her 12:30pm radiation treatment, but she was too sick to proceed with the treatment. Instead, she tried to rest in the hospital in bed while receiving fluids, anti-nausea and pain meds through IV. Rainer left work and came to the hospital in the afternoon. All Joan had to say was, "I need you here", and he was there. He was there for her, and then later he was back on the island, just in time to be there for the kids at the end of the day - and Emma's 5th birthday! In the calmer moments between the pain and nausea, Joan still managed amongst all of this to dispense sage advice to me, which I hold dearly.

Joan is pretty sure the aggressive combination of both chemo and radiation together in such close proximity are what is making her so sick this week. I am hoping and praying that Thursday was at least a little bit better than Wednesday, and that she felt a little stronger today than the other day. Of course what we feel and what we are don't always seem to line up. Joan still insists she's not strong and that she's just Joan, but I say she's one of the strongest and bravest people I know. We barely made the 5:30pm ferry back to the island - after putting a little bit of pressure on the ferry worker in the ticket booth. The 5:30pm ferry "now closed to boarding" at 5:20, even for priority loaders - - - give me a break! So, we made it, thank god. Joan is thoroughly exhausted and is very happy to be home, only being released from the hospital if she promises to come back at 10am the next day. Joan's not sure if she can do that. I think she can. Joan, I have been thinking good thoughts for you all day.



Anonymous said...

Thanks for the update Anne. I talk to Joan or Dylan nearly everyday, but I know there are others that read the post for updates and have been left in the dark this last week plus.

The radiation/chemo is definitly been a double whammy to Joan, but unfortunately is necessary to go through this pain and misery to kill the cancer. I know it's hard when your feeling so bad to see the long range picture. Joan, I'm confident this will work and relief is just over the hill.

There's a dark cloud rising from the desert floor
I packed my bags and I'm heading straight into the storm
Gonna be a twister to blow everything down
That ain't got the faith to stand its ground

Anonymous said...

Thank goodness for childrens resiliensce Emma had a good birthday at school....a little worried about mom but my job is to make sure everything else in her life is as normal as can be. Joan your children are a reflection of you and they are stubborn and strong willed so show everyone what you can do we are all here to support you.

Anonymous said...

Dear Joan,
I hope you get some relief soon. We think and pray for you and your family everyday. May God bless you and your amazing friends who are helping you. Will say a special prayer for you on Easter Sunday. Love,Thom and Linda

Angie said...

Still thinking of you, Joan. Still praying and hoping you get relief soon.
Love, Angie