Saturday, March 29, 2008

4 Down, 2 To Go

Well, it's 4 down and now I only have 2 to go. For this cycle, at least. However they tell me the next cycle isn't so bad. It's day 2 after the chemo and I'm feeling bad, but am surrounded by love. Moments, pop up here and there as I try to keep food and drink down. I feel bad, but there are hands to hold and kind words to hear.

I receive thoughtful cards from old friends that help me smile through it all. Cards from friends such as Phyllis, Thom and Linda, Donalyn, Mary, and David, that make me feel their love and strength as I continue my battle. Friends such as Behan and Danielle pop by and sit next to me and tell me tales of their life and adventures to distract me from my pain. It helps.

And what really helps is knowing that the tumor is smaller by about 50% according to my doctor. Two more chemos, then surgery, then more chemo, then more surgery. But my battle is getting easier, with love and know that there is 4 down and 2 to go.


Reb said...

Joan, it is so good to hear that the tumor has shrunk!

Angie said...

So glad you have the support and love of family and friends, Joan. It's also great to hear the tumor has shrunk! I hope you can enjoy the spring a bit (if it ever gets here). I'm thinking of you.