Saturday, May 19, 2012


Woo-hoo!! Did they find a wonder drug that will cure my cancer. Nope. Did I win 90 million in the lottery. Nope. Did I find $8,000 needed to pay my mortgage company. (I really could use it because I don't want to loose our house) Nope. Has my husband come home with a bouquet of long stemmed midnight red roses. I wish, but nope. Have my children actually cleaned their rooms (I think Emma is the keeper of forks and I wonder if Dylan and Hannah have actual rugs because all I see is piles of dirty clothes). That would be a heavenly miracle - so that too is a big NOPE. My woo-hoo is that I don't have to have chemo this month. Yippee! No red pea, no glowing in the dark, no joint pain that cripples your spine. No metal taste in your mouth. My platelit level is really low - under a hundred. Do you know how wonderful it is not to have to deal with needle pricked, wasted time catching the ferry and driving to the hospital. I am a happy camper. Of course my body continues it's loosing battle with cancer. But for this moment I am happy. Now if we have sunshine instead of rain - I will be in pure bliss. P.s. now if there is anyone out there that can help us with our mortgage - perhaps you could adopt all us - two old adults, two young whipper snapper adults, two girls going on 21 and 2, two dogs where the alpha dog is a miniature dachshund, two cats that need bathing every month, two Nigerian dwarf goats good for eating pesky berry bushes, and one fish - it used to be two but Olive died last winter. And as hard as I try to kill Bubbles she's over 9 years old she just keeps going like the energizer bunny. Or you perhaps put in a good word with .... Oprah, Bill Gates, even Bruce Wayne aka Batman.